Handy note argus
Handy note argus

Some people are putting up their lives!329During the month of December, 1942, the flrst aid staff treated 329 patients for accidents within the plant. We really appreciated it.Classified_adPut up your money. Thanks to the boys at the Twentieth Century alleys for keeping the box over night for us.Three CheersEsther Schaffer gets three cheers from the many people she served throughout the Christmas mailing rush. It was really more fun than if we had had a party for the league.


Rube Egeler painted a big box to put them in and our truck driver took them to the hospital. Monday night, December 21, each girl brought a gift all wrapped up with stickers and ribbons and stuff, to the bowling alley. Pass the cranberry sauce, please.Argus Girls Play Santa ClausThe Argus bowling girls played Santa Claus to the little shut-in children at the University Hospital. True, there were two turkey dinners, but they were survived by turkey pie and finally turkey soup, all exceptionally delicious. At most there were usually but two meals made of the noble bird ere the gleaming bones were entirely bare. Your editor had always enjoyed his turkey dinners at home with a goodly number of relatives. Santa's spirits were fortified by the strengthening spirits of a case of light lager. Since the task of handing out several tons of turkey. 2 experienced their miracle at one o'clock. No reindeer were in evidence at that hour and even though his entrance was not made via the chimney and furnace door, it was nonetheless welcome. Santa Claus was disguised as Sy Harding and arrived at Plant No. When the job wás done, se ven and a half tons of prime turkey meat had been put in shape for roasting. We can well appreciate every minute of the time, especially since every cook knows how much of a job it is to pluck the feathers off even the smallest chicken. Actually, Leigh Thomas reports that they were 400 manhours involved in the project. Among the vital statistics of the event are the facts that the operations started on the Sunday before Christmas and were not completed until 10 P. In other words, close to a thousand beautiful fowl were cleaned and dressed for the formal presentation. Between that announcement and December 24, there ensued a mass evisceration, the largest that Ann Arbor has ever seen. Howse's announcement of the Company's Christmas gift to each employee. Turkey! Turkey! Turkey!Our last issue of Argus Eyes carried Mr.

Handy note argus