Capricorn element
Capricorn element

You can't take root anywhere, settle down, build a life or run a business, because you are inherently unstable and unreliable. You find it difficult to think practically, to be responsible, to set goals and achieve them. You lack a solid foundation on which to build your life, and your feet seldom touch the ground. Having little to no Earth in your chart is like living in a desert where nothing can grow, or treading in an ocean with no land in sight. And if you have 5 or more, you have an over-abundance of Earth. If you have between 0 and 2, however, you have very little Earth. If you have 3 or 4, you have an even amount of Earthiness to your personality, which suites you very well. Look at your Natal Chart right now and count how many planets you have in each of these Signs. And in doing so, making sure the rewards will last a lifetime. Really, Earth is all about dedicating a huge amount of time and energy on a single, important project or goal that you want to achieve. Set out to achieve and to become successful. Build wealth. Keep everything clean and organized. Pay all your bills on time and don't wrack up debt. This is the area of life where you need to be responsible, think practically, and work very hard. Save for the future, hoard money away, spend it frugally and only on things that are really worth it. Living in the material world, Earth is best suited for dealing with things of this nature.

capricorn element capricorn element

That is how you keep your body alive and well-taken care of: with dedication, care, and plenty of caution. You stick with what is safe and comfortable and familiar, not risking anything or moving very fast. You dig in your heels and get stubborn about it. Admittedly, this is an Element of fear - especially the fear of unexpected change. This is where Earth's preoccupation with being stable, secure, and protected comes from. So it is instinctual for us to work to keep our body healthy and alive, to keep from becoming ugly, sick, or in pain. It grows, changes, ages, and eventually dies. And of course, all of your family's favourite recipes!ĭifferent religions have told us we are made of Earth, of clay and dirt, and just as we were born out of it, soon do we return. Cuddling, warm sex, hot showers and long baths. Lyrical music, the sounds of nature, crackling in the fireplace. Beautiful works of art and high-quality furnishings in the home. Plush pillows, soft blankets, worn out jeans, thick sweaters on a cold day. And it gets happy when we immerse ourselves in sensual pleasures. Our body gets mad when it is uncomfortable, like when you get hungry (or hangry, as we call it), tired, sore, too hot or too cold. Through our senses we see, hear, feel, touch, taste, and smell. Here is how we experience the physical reality of the material world around us. If we are made out the four Elements, Earth is our Body. This is how you connect with the Earth Element - through your senses, and out in the wilderness. Taste sun-ripened berries or a freshly-caught trout roasted over a fire. Sit high up on a rock, uncomfortable, and wonder at the view. Run your fingers over soft moss and rough tree bark. Breathe in fresh air and smell the soil, the pine, the freshwater lakes, the dry riverbeds. Feel the difference in temperature when you get under the trees further up in elevation. Notice how quiet it is once you are alone on the road. Get out of the city and drive into the mountains. To best understand what earth is, immerse yourself in nature.

capricorn element

The earth may be slow to change over time, but once that change hits, it is all at once, and it will never change back. But do not let your pastoral view of nature blind you to the forces underneath. Earthquakes can strike after years of building tension and suddenly destroy huge tracts of land in a matter of minutes, totally changing the landscape once they hit. Earth is gentle, beautiful, and steady in its cycles. As is the fertile valleys below, where vineyards and farmlands have grown since civilization began. The mountains which tower over the world, who stand magnificently alone against the sky, the ultimate image of strength and endurance and slow growth, are of the earth. What does earth feel like? It is soft dirt underfoot, sharp gravel, hot sand, wet clay, and pebbles worn soft by the riverbed. And so one Element in the cycle has given away to the next: Fire has turned into Earth. The heat is gone and the cold takes over, the embers calming down to something more solid, less changeable. As the Element of Fire burns down, the tallest flames give way to hot red coals, which then cool down to black and silver ashes.

Capricorn element